Sunday, September 9, 2007
another quizzy
6:13 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 0 comments

The "Had To" section

1. If you HAD to get a tattoo, where would you want it?
My arm. But very tiny... I don't like tattoos..

2. If you HAD to dye your hair which color would you choose ?
I already dyed it red. lol

3. If you HAD to get a piercing (THAT ISN'T YOUR EARS) what would you get?
My belly button so I could hide it.

4. If you HAD to change your name ..what new name would you choose?

The "Would You?" section

1. If you could go bungee jumping, would you?
hahahah- no.

2. Would you move somewhere else, if you could?
Japan probably!

3. If you were given the chance to go to Paris, would you go?

4. If you found 10 million dollars, and it was YOURS to spend, what would
you do with it?
lol... college. Then arcade version of DDR, then manga manga manga

The "Let's Say" Questions

1. Let's say you see a big ship sink...only 3 people have a chance to
survive. The 3 people are Your Best Friend, Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend, and a
long lost friend (that you don't know too well)... who would you save if you
HAD to choose ONLY 1 person? lol. I have no idea.

2. Let's say you became President...what is the first thing you would do?
Make capitol punshiment outlawed.

3. Lets say you had to eat a live tarantula for $1,000 ..would you?
but I already got the ten mil?

4. Let's say you could star in any movie (made or in the works) what movie?
umm... what's david tennant going to be in soon?

The "Favorites" section

1. Color?
Purple and white

2. Current song?
My sundown

3. Shirt you own?
uh. my mushroomo shirt

4. Electronic device?
My iPod nano (which is white lol)

5. Movie?
uh... Miyazaki's stuff

6. Book?
se my last quizzy thing before this un

7. Pair of shoes?
My converses!

8. Sandal color?

9. Hair color?
Red. Or blackish for anyone else =P

10. Eye color?

The "other stuff" section

1. What makes your bedroom unique?
It's neon green. beat that.

2. Who do you like?
My cat =P

3. What's your favorite season of the year?

4.What's bothering you now?
My throat hurts...and... Ryuuzaki...

5.What's the last movie you watched?
Stardust. Good movie.

lol. Do it everyone!

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle