Wednesday, September 26, 2007
random updates...
4:41 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 1 comments

Update number one:

Legend of Dragoon is a pretty good video game, even if it is a uber rip off of FFVII, which is the best game (sides Chrono Cross)

Update number two:

=( My mom has a wheat allergy or intolerance or something...and I think I might have it too. I am TRYING to cut wheat out of my diet but it's HARD. Also, we had thought that it was diary foods that I had problem with but what's both?!?! eep. well, I'm going to eat lots of fruits and veggies...and tofu. ^_^

Update number three:

me and rin played dressup, I'll post results later.

Update number four:

anyone know japanese? I'm trying to learn, and want to be somewhat fluent by the time I go to college....I'm good with language. =)

Update number five:

I got an idea for a short story that I think I'll be posting up here soon. lol, it's funny.

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle