Friday, August 31, 2007
Justice Will Prevail.
9:19 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 0 comments

I'm reading a manga, and just came to a very sad part.

So, I am listening to L's theme, quite loudly.

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle

Thursday, August 30, 2007
10:20 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 0 comments

Oh my goodness, our team...

did anyone else see our two players run into eachother??

Oh my gosh...

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle

12:26 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 1 comments

Well, I went to get the stuff out of my locker today, and I saw drumline for the first time since I had to pull out of marching band. It was nice seeing them all again, I really missed them. So then they mentioned that Joe had mentioned that I could do perc ensemble, and... I dunno. I should be thrilled about it, right? I should be happy that I'm able to see all my drumline buddies again, shouldn't I?

But I'm not. The thought of percussion ensemble doesn't fill me with joy as it should, but rather with... caution, if that makes sense. I think it might be because I'm worried Joe is disappointed in me, and I'm also wary some others in the staff... I don't know.

And I also don't think I want to deal with all the drama that goes along with public school. Yes, you still get it being homeschooled (and got a good dose of it last night, sigh,) but there is not as much. And the last few days have been an absolute joy, just staying home. Yes, maybe I like sleeping in, but that's not the reason, lol.

But I have to make a decision. Ungh. Mom wants me to try and get in to perc, but I... Ugh! I just don't know! I get a bad feeling!

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Stupid In America
10:43 AM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 0 comments

I just watched a video on youtube that I really think you should all watch too. Granted, it is pretty long, but it's really worth it.

It's about public schools, and how they are failing american children. It explains that public school is basically a monopoly, and they have low standards because they have no reason to compete. Think about it, the example in the video says something like, if you went to a restaurant and they served you bad, what would you do? You wouldn't go there anymore. But what if there was NO choice? Well then, you're stuck, and it doesn't matter how you are treated, because there isn't really anywhere else to go. That's what public schools are doing!

It boggles my mind. Especially the one comment a teacher(I'm pretty sure it was a teacher) said, she states that competition isn't good for kids, it's not for human beings.

Oh my GOODNESS! could she BE anymore wrong? I know that I personally get MUCH more motivated if I know something is a competition, because there is a REASON to excel.

Just my thoughts. I have to go to school work now, lol.

Edit: wanted to clarify a bit so I don't sound like a jerk lol. About the competition thing.. I have a good example about how it's a good motivational tool!

We had a speaker at band camp come and well, speak to us, lol, and he had us play musical chairs. Most of the people couldn't have been less enthusiastic, so we played a couple rounds, and nobody really got into it. Then the speaker told us that he had thought that we would break the record, and that he was dissapointed (or something like that) so then everyone tried a lot harder. It was because of the fact that we wanted to be the best.

lol hope I don't come across as a jerk...

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Story is UP!
6:30 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 0 comments

nice and big so you don't miss it

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle

2:36 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 1 comments

I'm not in Marching Band anymore =(

It was decided that my health was too much of a hindrance, and that I was missing too many practices, even though I was still not really that behind. I knew the drill, and I knew the music. Yes, I need to work on my diddles, but 'cmon. It really comes down to the thinking that attendance is vital for success, which I don't agree with at all. I mean, when I took chemistry two years ago, I don't think there was one week I went for the whole week, but I had (for the whole time) one of the highest grades in ALL of his classes. Me and Jess had the highest, (lol, the homeschoolers....) but... Yeah. No use going on about it now I guess, it's done.

Eh... AT least I don't have to wake up at five anymore XD

So besides that... let's see. I'm going to start tap dancing again, and now that I'm not so busy with band I'll start trying to teach my self guitar and work on my banjo some more, and pick up that violin again. I'll keep drumming so my chops aren't pathetic for college, but I want to focus on more of the...stringed side, lol.

And I guess I'll have a social life again. That's good, because I'm so popular and my phone just rings off the hook constantly (lol, a little sarcasm maybe?)

So... That's all for now.

p.s. I love you, my drumline buddies!

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle

Monday, August 27, 2007
7:37 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 2 comments

After hours and hours of working on this thing, I've finally done it. My blog is ready to be blogged in! I'm so happy!!!

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle

12:49 PM ♥ Jinx ♥ Perma 1 comments

Yay new blog! yes I go through blogs like crazy, but I just need a change every so often, you know? lol. Anyways, yes, this will be my new posting place, and I hope people read and comment and all that (my xanga one died, very very sad =(

So, to all you who don't know me, I'm Sarah (But go by Skootle or Jinx), I'm 17, and a Fan of music, art, fantasy, sci-fi, and just about anything else that's interesting. ^_^

Umm, more about me I guess, I play the Banjo, piano, violin, ocarina, and percussion, and I hope to one day be a chemist or a music teacher. I'm Catholic, and pro-life, but I am not against listening to others opinions. Not that I'll agree =P I'm a video game nerd, (yay chrono cross) and I love love love anime.

I'm probably going to fill out one of those 'get to know you' things that always sits in my inbox...

oh! I'm also working on a story! the link is...
so go check it out! I don't think there is anything up there now, but there will be, by the end of this week at the latest.

Talk to you later,
~Skootle ^_^

That's all I suppose... ^_^ ~Skootle